The Cuirim House facilitates time with God, community with friends, and serving the neighborhood.
People come to Cuirim House for various reasons, but there's certain things you can expect. We'll do our best to paint a picture for you.
When you come to Mexico:
1. You'll be picked up by the awesome, Green Valley drivers in Arizona. Green Valley, a church outside of Tucson, has partnered with Cuirim Outreach, and several of their members volunteer as drivers. The Green Valley drivers get our volunteer teams to the Burger King along the border.
Walking across the Border.
2. After enjoying Burger King, you'll be led across the border and take a chartered school bus to Cuirim House.
3. When the teams get to Cuirim House, they have orientation and then start a work project. Work projects consist of: cementing, building tire walls, leveling, painting, and other construction tasks. They also have a chance to go to the Kids Cafe and help with VBS, or play at the soccer field near Michel's church. The teams do these types of work projects throughout the week.
Teams and individuals come down for multiple reasons and have different reactions to the environment and way of life. Many students and adults come to Cuirim House for their first missions trip, to practice their Spanish, or to serve others. For some, it's their first time out of the country. For others, they've been to Nogales several times and keep coming back.
As you'll see below, we've asked a few of our volunteers several questions about their time in Nogales, Mexico:
Tim, Caroline, Jackson, Sam, Liam, Kayla, and Morgan.
Kayla Toole (age 20; Baltimore, MD): "I came back because this is a second home to me. I look forward to mixing cement, carrying buckets and finishing floors. I come back because the people of Nogales remind me of Jesus' love, and although I come to serve, the people here actually serve me through their testimonies and perseverance. They remind me to be grateful and to love unconditionally. The person I want to be is more clear when I'm here."
Morgan Madden (age 20; Baltimore, MD): "I first came to Mexico because of my friend, Kayla. I was looking for spiritual guidance and support and to make a difference in the world. I felt like I needed to change my perspective on life, and coming to Mexico has helped me do that. At Cuirim House I felt connected, peaceful, content, and I discovered who I'm supposed to be. My favorite memory was when Kayla was baptized in the Lower Chapel. It was a physical example of why we are here: to serve and worship God."
Annie and Tessa
Tessa Wienholt (HS; Baltimore, MD): "I love the simplicity of Mexico. It's so easy to feel and experience God's presence. It's refreshing to put others before myself. I came here to share the gospel and work hard for families in need. I wanted to experience the place that has affected so many of my friends and changed so many lives."
Caleb Ashcroft (age 18; Lynchburg, VA) goes to New Covenant School and was baptized at Cuirim House in the fountain next to the lower chapel. He returns because, as he puts it, "It gives me a breath of fresh air. It offers a relief from worldly problems and allows me to take a step back from life."
Everyone has a unique story. IS Mexico a part of yours?
The people who come to Mexico have many different stories and experiences. Some come seeking healing and growth, others to reorganize their priorities. Cuirim House is a place of peace. It's a place to experience community and God in a different way. The only question left is, when are you coming?
Andy, Alex, Jose, and Vu at the kid's cafe